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CyberKnights can set up game consoles as full-featured thin client workstations. Equip a 12-seat office with pleasant-to-use workstations for about AUD$13,500+GST all up including broadband internet connection, file server, 16-port switch, intranet facilities and office software. (or add about $300 per seat for locally manufactured no-moving-parts fat clients.
Cost varies from application to application. We can field these for about AUD$900 each with a keyboard, mouse and 17” flat screen; about AUD$700 each with a cheap TV display. There is generally a flagfall for each batch of about AUD$1000, ranging higher for unusual customisations.
Contact us to arrange your system or discuss your unique requirements.
At the film company DreamWorks, Ed Leonard has ported the entire graphics animation department to Linux; Shrek was created on a “renderfarm” (a powerful, refrigerator-size rack of servers) that had 800 processors running Linux. Leonard took the money he saved by not having maintenance contracts and used it to buy far more inexpensive Linux PCs. He says the money he has saved will allow DreamWorks to replace desktops and the renderfarm every two years instead of every five. — Scott Berinato
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